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Yi-Pin Prawns was founded in 2003 as a vendor in the East District of Taipei, and has been through 16 years of history up till the present. We have persisted in providing quality fresh prawns directly delivered from Pingtung every day for all along, insisting on the stable and down-to-earth managerial principles, devoting to develop Yi-Pin Prawns into the icon of Taiwanese-style izakaya based on the service attitude of customers come first, as well as introduce its culture to overseas. Currently, the branch stores have spread to a total of 8 stores in Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, and Shenzhen. It will continue to expand the business locations to regions in Taiwan, China, and Southeast Asia…etc. in the future.


Taiwan Style Yi Pin Prawn






Yi-Pin Prawns was founded in 2003 as a vendor in the East District of Taipei, and has been through 16 years of history up till the present. We have persisted in providing quality fresh prawns directly delivered from Pingtung every day for all along, insisting on the stable and down-to-earth managerial principles, devoting to develop Yi-Pin Prawns into the icon of Taiwanese-style izakaya based on the service attitude of customers come first, as well as introduce its culture to overseas. Currently, the branch stores have spread to a total of 8 stores in Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, and Shenzhen. It will continue to expand the business locations to regions in Taiwan, China, and Southeast Asia…etc. in the future.


Taiwan Style Yi Pin Prawn


招牌胡椒蝦 Pepper Prawn


The spicy but mild aroma will completely simulate your taste.
It is cooked with dozens of selected herbs and specific pepper in golden ratio!

活蒸蝦Steam Prawn

Fresh prawns are steamed with green onion, ginger and garlic.
Taste nothing but freshness!

啤酒剁椒蝦Steamed Chili-Beer Prawn


Peeled prawns are spread with special chopped pepper and garlic paste, drizzling with some beer and green onion. Served with tasty and juicy vermicelli.

芝士焗蝦Cheese Prawn


Fresh prawns cooked in the oven with cheese and custard powder.

澎湖墨魚香腸Grilled Cuttlefish Sausage

頂級新鮮澎湖墨魚(花枝)搭配新鮮澎湖墨魚汁,精心調配比例,再灌入新鮮豬腸衣,每一口都能享受到完整的花枝塊,鮮嫩又多汁的口感,滿足味蕾,吃起來清爽不油膩 !

Grilled sausage inside with cuttlefish chunk. Fresh, Juicy and tasty.


蒜頭蛤仔雞Clam chicken soup with Garlic


Stewed Soup cooked with selected chicken thigh (cut in pieces) and whole garlics.  
Clams are added in the end to keep freshness and make this soup sweet and tasty.
One of the must-try!

麻油雞Saseme oil chicken soup with rice wine

使用特選雞腿肉切成塊,再加入麻油,麻油經過加熱產生的香氣是最大的誘惑,聞著香濃,吃起來倒還溫和,反而是一同燒煮的酒汁喝了容易發熱。 這種地道的臺式料理,除了肉塊,全靠老薑和麻油的香氣,麻油必須要用黑麻油,薑只有用老薑才夠味

This authentic Taiwanese cuisine cooked with chicken thigh, black sesame oil, aged ginger and rice wine. The aroma from heated sesame oil and ginger is the biggest temptation.