
Five Metal Shop Co., Ltd

10649 台北市永康街 75 巷 14-1 號2樓

About us







OOO is an evolving project exploring object culture, design and living.


We study typologies, traditions, materials and processes to understand more about objects which interest us, their meaning and the people who make and use them. Through OOO we hope to share new insights and creative ideas through the production of objects, media, publications, events and collaborations.


OOO was established by Chen Chingwen and Nicol Boyd, a couple who both also run their own independent design studios. The aim of this new collaboration is to enable exploration beyond the traditional boundaries of their design practice.



陳靖雯 Chen Chingwen

Business Direction, Product Planning, Creative Direction



台北を拠点とするブランディングとビジネスデザインのエージェンシー、Five Metal Shop のプランナー兼創業者である靖雯(チンウェン)は、創造的なマインドを持つビジネスストラテジストです。彼女と彼女のチームはクライアントと協力し、デザインとデザイン思考を通じて戦略的な問題を特定し、理解し、解決することを目指しています。ファイブメタルショップは多くの年月をかけて、クライアントと協力してブランディングの再定義や国際的な知名度の拡大、創造的思考の可能性をビジネスに取り入れる道を開くなど、成功を収めてきました。



Planner and founder of Five Metal Shop, a branding and business design agency based in Taipei.

Chingwen is a business strategist with a creative mind. She and her team work with clients to identify, understand and solve strategic problems through design and design thinking. Over the years, Five Metal Shop has successfully worked with its clients to re-define their branding, expand international visibility and open doors to the possibilities of creative thinking in their business.

Chingwen envisions OOO as a poetic execution of a new business. A project which shares stories which excite people, initiates discussion and opens dialogue through the exploration of different projects and ideas.



ニコル・ボイド Nicol Boyd 

Creative Direction, Product Design and Product Development



香港を拠点とする国際的に知られたデザインスタジオ、Office for Product Design の共同創業者であり工業デザイナーであるニコルは、彼の作品はシンプルで論理的でありながら、静かに思慮深いものです。見過ごされがちな細部に触発されることが多く、特にオブジェクトの文脈、その機能、そして人々の生活における役割について理解することに興味を持っています。



Industrial Designer and co-founder of Office for Product Design, an internationally known design studio based in Hong Kong.

Nicol’s work is simple, logical and quietly thoughtful. Often inspired by seemingly unremarkable details, he is especially interested in understanding the context of objects, the functions they perform and the role they play in people’s lives.

For Nicol, OOO is an opportunity to explore observations, thoughts and insights and share the design ideas and objects they inspire in a way which is not always possible with his commercial clients.






OOO is an evolving project exploring object culture, design and living.


We study typologies, traditions, materials and processes to understand more about objects which interest us, their meaning and the people who make and use them. Through OOO we hope to share new insights and creative ideas through the production of objects, media, publications, events and collaborations.


OOO was established by Chen Chingwen and Nicol Boyd, a couple who both also run their own independent design studios. The aim of this new collaboration is to enable exploration beyond the traditional boundaries of their design practice.



陳靖雯 Chen Chingwen

Business Direction, Product Planning, Creative Direction



台北を拠点とするブランディングとビジネスデザインのエージェンシー、Five Metal Shop のプランナー兼創業者である靖雯(チンウェン)は、創造的なマインドを持つビジネスストラテジストです。彼女と彼女のチームはクライアントと協力し、デザインとデザイン思考を通じて戦略的な問題を特定し、理解し、解決することを目指しています。ファイブメタルショップは多くの年月をかけて、クライアントと協力してブランディングの再定義や国際的な知名度の拡大、創造的思考の可能性をビジネスに取り入れる道を開くなど、成功を収めてきました。



Planner and founder of Five Metal Shop, a branding and business design agency based in Taipei.

Chingwen is a business strategist with a creative mind. She and her team work with clients to identify, understand and solve strategic problems through design and design thinking. Over the years, Five Metal Shop has successfully worked with its clients to re-define their branding, expand international visibility and open doors to the possibilities of creative thinking in their business.

Chingwen envisions OOO as a poetic execution of a new business. A project which shares stories which excite people, initiates discussion and opens dialogue through the exploration of different projects and ideas.



ニコル・ボイド Nicol Boyd 

Creative Direction, Product Design and Product Development



香港を拠点とする国際的に知られたデザインスタジオ、Office for Product Design の共同創業者であり工業デザイナーであるニコルは、彼の作品はシンプルで論理的でありながら、静かに思慮深いものです。見過ごされがちな細部に触発されることが多く、特にオブジェクトの文脈、その機能、そして人々の生活における役割について理解することに興味を持っています。



Industrial Designer and co-founder of Office for Product Design, an internationally known design studio based in Hong Kong.

Nicol’s work is simple, logical and quietly thoughtful. Often inspired by seemingly unremarkable details, he is especially interested in understanding the context of objects, the functions they perform and the role they play in people’s lives.

For Nicol, OOO is an opportunity to explore observations, thoughts and insights and share the design ideas and objects they inspire in a way which is not always possible with his commercial clients.


OOO 梣木凳-双色オリーブグリーン人字模様織りベルト

伝統的な工場の鉄製スツールから進化した、普通の出来物から優れた品質の「OOO 梣木凳」。台湾の家族工場で最も一般的であり、最も目立たない「鉄パイプ編み椅子」からデザインのインスピレーションを受けました。伝統的な産業や技術を観察し、鉄パイプ編み椅子の日常生活における欠かせない存在感に着目し、材料や製造プロセスを再考し、最も経済的で安価な鉄パイプを手作業で研磨された天然木に置き換え、活性化と再生を推進しています。


OOO Stool - Olive Green Webbin


OOO's first piece of furniture is particularly simple yet versatile wooden stool with an ash frame and a woven seat in a choice of materials.


Designed by Nicol Boyd

The OOO Stool is inspired by an industrial typology still used in factories across Taiwan today. At its core is a high quality structural frame with a carefully designed geometry and proportions. 



Each of the joints of the stool are CNC machined from ash wood then carefully hand assembled. The seat is hand woven on both sides of the wooden frame from one continuous 15m long strap. Creating the seat in this way provides comfort and a visual solidity not typically associated with weaving.



It is designed to be versatile and to quietly fit most environments and lifestyles. With time, signs of use and subtle changes in colouration become part of the unique character of each one.




We hope it will find a long term place in your home.

Care & Maintenance

●  To keep the OOO Stool in perfect condition we recommend occasionally wiping it with a soft dry cloth. For stubborn marks we suggest a soft damp cloth with a small amount of mild detergent. Be sure to wipe away all of the moisture after cleaning with a soft dry cloth and allow the wood to air dry. The straps can also be wiped in the same way. 

The natural leather should be expected to darken with time and use and take on a rich patina but as with most leather products care should be taken to avoid marks and staining. If desired the leather can be treated with a leather conditioning product for furniture should it require rejuvenation.

The stool is supplied with adhesive felt feet. We recommend you apply these for use on hard flooring surfaces.

OOO アイスクリームスプーン

OOOアイスクリームスプーンは、最高級のステンレス鋼を使用しており、滑らかなラインとエレガントなデザインが特徴です。全て手作業でミラーポリッシュ仕上げを施し、手に持った時や使用中に満足感を感じられる製品です。 設計寸法を小さく意図的に調整しましたが、重量感と手触りはしっかりとあります。見た目はシンプルな設計ですが、細部にわたる多数の調整を経て、宝石のように精緻で洗練されたアイスクリームスプーンが完成しました。アイスクリーム好きな方々に、心から喜んでいただけるデザインです。



OOO Ice Cream Spoon

#A Spoon born with Ice Cream.



The OOO ice cream spoon is cast from solid stainless steel giving it a pleasing weight. It’s petite size and smooth, sculpted shape and mirror polished finish make it a delight to hold and use. The carefully considered design and materiality make it feel only distantly related to the plastic single use spoons it references.



The OOO spoon is designed to make each bite a little special.

Care & Maintenance
▪ While it is safe to put the spoon in the dishwasher, we suggest handwashing with mild dishwashing detergent and drying with a soft microfibre cloth to prevent scratching.


OOO アイスクリームボウル

誰にでも迎合しようとはしない、シンプルで子どもっぽいラインが特徴的なアイスクリームボウル。見た目はシンプルですが、幾何学的な要素があり、正確でかわいらしい美しさを持っています。 最高級の無鉛クリスタル砂を使用し、完全手作業で作られたクリーンで透明感のある低背の厚底、手作りクリスタルカットによくある不快な縁線はありません。



OOO Ice Cream Bowl


The OOO Ice Cream Bowl has a simple, essential shape and stout character which emerged after many prototypes. 




This modern take on a traditional typology is specifically designed for 3 generous scoops of ice cream, though of course it also works equally well with other desserts. 



It is handmade from the same high quality crystalline glass as our drinking glasses meaning each one is very slightly different. We hope that you will never be tempted to eat directly from the tub again.

Care & Maintenance
▪ To keep the bowl in perfect condition we recommend hand washing it with warm water and mild dish washing detergent. It can be dried and polished with a fine microfiber cloth. While it is safe to put the glass in a dishwasher ( on the top rack at moderate temperatures ), we do not recommend it as the detergent used may take away the brilliant sheen of the glass over time.


OOO 栓抜き

ありふれたオリジナルの物体から、優れた細部に満ちた OOO 栓抜きを完成させました。世界中の異なる文化において、最も目立たないオープナーのひとつは、ほぼ同じ形をしています。OOOはこのオープナーの原型から出発し、304最高級のステンレス鋼を使用して、素材選択、線条、重量、細部の磨きを3年間かけて挑戦し、共鳴を生む製品を完成させました。



OOO Bottle Opener


Designed by Nicol Boyd & Tomas Rosen / Office for Product Design

‘Sometimes it’s the little things in the least expected places which make a difference’ says Nicol Boyd, industrial designer and co-founder of OOO. ‘We wanted take a look at this most humble everyday tool and turn it into something quietly remarkable’.

And so started a long journey to explore how to design and manufacture a simple bottle opener without compromise.




These little bottle openers are strangely emotive objects. Typically found as a promotional item, It is something which seemingly everyone can relate to. Around the world people seem to have quite visceral, emotive memories and associations with them. From opening a Taiwan beer at a street food stall in Taipei, a bottle of Vitasoy Soy Milk or Coca Cola in a Cha Cha Deng in Hong Kong, a beer in Germany or the UK, and Orangina in a beach bar in France, a Campari or Aperol in Milan. At once highly local yet globally recognisable.

We wanted to retain all of these associations but we also wanted to go beyond the basic functionality of the originals and make it an unexpected pleasure to use.




The OOO bottle opener is designed to be a tool with a singular purpose and a satisfying feel and is designed with an obsessive eye for detail. 

The bottle opener has a carefully sculpted shape which is at once geometrically complex yet beautifully clean and simple. It needs to be sculpted with the utmost care since every tiny defect and flaw in the curvature is immediately visible in the reflections and highlights. We employed advanced 3D surface modelling techniques to ensure a seamless shape with, for the geeks, G3 continuity.



The OOO bottle opener is made from a solid 304 grade stainless steel casting. The casting is then polished before the logo is applied using a photo-etching process for maximum precision and a crisp 3D relief. This technique gives a subtle nod to the debossed brand names often found on our opener’s typological cousins. Finally the opener is hand polished to a perfect mirror-like finish.



The result is a beautifully simple product with aesthetic attributes which are entirely derived from its function. It has a lovely tactility and a satisfying heft which combine to make opening each bottle of our Outstanding Ordinary Ale an extra pleasure.





OOO 330 デカールグラス - Circle and Lines



OOO 330 デカールグラスの限定シリーズは、厳選されたわずかな欠点を持つガラスに特別なデザインを施したものです。オリジナルの高品質なガラスと、独自のアートワークが施された「欠点のある」ガラスの選択肢があります。それぞれに異なる2つのデザインがセットになっており、2つずつのセットでご利用いただけます。




OOO 330 デカールグラス -  Circle and Lines



This concept reflects the most common imperfections on small production mouth blown glasses- tiny linear hairline scratches. The designer created two designs with thin coloured lines wrapping around the glass. These closed loops create an interesting dynamic when applied on the 3D shape of the glass while maintaining the light, elegant characteristics of the OOO glass.






OOO 330 デカールグラス - Nobody is Perfect



OOO 330 デカールグラスの限定シリーズは、厳選されたわずかな欠点を持つガラスに特別なデザインを施したものです。オリジナルの高品質なガラスと、独自のアートワークが施された「欠点のある」ガラスの選択肢があります。それぞれに異なる2つのデザインがセットになっており、2つずつのセットでご利用いただけます。



OOO 330 デカールグラス -  Nobody is Perfect



The designer took another route and decided that rather than trying to hide the imperfections it might be interesting to instead declare them honestly. Imperfection is not necessarily a defect. The marker strokes became a bold statement that nobody is perfect. The tiny quality control sticker on the other glass in this set has become a permanent, taunting, reminder that ‘ I was a defect ’.