
About us

To whom it may concern:

Personalized medicine is progressively becoming a consideration in clinical application.  In response to this, both the demand for personalized products and the complexity of the products are gradually increasing, posing a challenge to medical device companies. 

Hsintai integration biomed  operated a Taiwan FDA licensed medical device works and equipped with branded new SLA and FDM additive manufacturing device for high quality production to fit clinical application.  We start to provide our service for biomed application including of medical implant prototyping and surgical tools to improve surgical procedure or academic science research work. We care details and be able to discuss your need from different specialty! Welcome to contact us,         Dr. Bruce Chen



Personalized medicine is progressively becoming a consideration in clinical application.  In response to this, both the demand for personalized products and the complexity of the products are gradually increasing, posing a challenge to medical device companies. 

Now we provide our CDMO service for biomed application including of medical implant and surgical tools to improve surgical procedure or academic science research work. We care all details and be able to discuss your need from different specialty! Welcome to contact us!      Dr. Bruce Chen.  


Customized Medical Device Product

Hsitai Integrated Biomed devlier our proprietary medical device prototype service  to our client. Within the working flow,  we provide the whole product life cycle validation protocol and GMP enviroment for your product initiation. You just need to tell us your problem and we take care it.