
About us

TMS-Smart City, Smart Transportation and Smart Road Solution

TMS provides different solutions for smart city, smart Transportation and smart road, which include
1. Mobileye's road asset image recognition combined with ADAS technology 
2. Dynamic traffic control, TMS has many years of experience in dynamic traffic control simulation, through the collection of data in a designated area, the road and traffic flow data to build a model to provide government transportation units to make scientific decisions. 
3. Data service: TMS sells data to international map manufacturers and vehicle manufacturers. The data includes static, semi-static, semi-dynamic, and dynamic aspects of LDM maps. 
4. UTM: TMS is committed to developing UAV management system by cooperating with international manufacturers to develop a one-stop UAV management platform from hardware, flight request, mission planning, review and approval, mission monitoring, and report production.


TMS-Smart City, Smart Transportation and Smart Road Solution

TMS provides different solutions for smart city, smart Transportation and smart road, which include

1. Mobileye's road asset image recognition combined with ADAS technology 
2. Dynamic traffic control
3. Data service
4. UTM

Mobileye's road asset image recognition combined with ADAS technology

Dynamic traffic control

TMS has many years of experience in dynamic traffic control simulation, through the collection of data in a designated area, the road and traffic flow data to build a model to provide government transportation units to make scientific decisions. 

Data service

TMS sells data to international map manufacturers and vehicle manufacturers. The data includes static, semi-static, semi-dynamic, and dynamic aspects of LDM maps. 

Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM)

TMS committed to developing UAV management system by cooperating with international manufacturers to develop a one-stop UAV management platform from hardware, flight request, mission planning, review and approval, mission monitoring, and report production.